[wtr-general] Removal of :name attribute from divs and spans
Cooper Legeza
2017-11-21 13:58:22 UTC

I've been hitting exceptions when trying to use the :name attribute for
divs and spans. Since I can't seem to find any documentation for what
attributes can be used to locate what elements, I don't know if this is
correct or not.

If this is the intended behavior, what is the reason for the change? It
seems to me that this removes functionality without adding anything back in.

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Oscar Rieken
2017-11-21 15:17:51 UTC
this has always helped me out it may be outdated
Post by Cooper Legeza
I've been hitting exceptions when trying to use the :name attribute for
divs and spans. Since I can't seem to find any documentation for what
attributes can be used to locate what elements, I don't know if this is
correct or not.
If this is the intended behavior, what is the reason for the change? It
seems to me that this removes functionality without adding anything back in.
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Super Kevy
2017-11-21 16:13:24 UTC
Check W3Shools https://www.w3schools.com/Tags/ref_standardattributes.asp
and https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_name.asp

That attribute is not a default as far as I understand.
Post by Cooper Legeza
I've been hitting exceptions when trying to use the :name attribute for
divs and spans. Since I can't seem to find any documentation for what
attributes can be used to locate what elements, I don't know if this is
correct or not.
If this is the intended behavior, what is the reason for the change? It
seems to me that this removes functionality without adding anything back in.
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Titus Fortner
2017-11-21 16:45:38 UTC
we're actually looking to relax the strict requirements in an upcoming
release, so this might not be an issue soon.
Post by Super Kevy
Check W3Shools https://www.w3schools.com/Tags/ref_standardattributes.asp
and https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_name.asp
That attribute is not a default as far as I understand.
Post by Cooper Legeza
I've been hitting exceptions when trying to use the :name attribute for
divs and spans. Since I can't seem to find any documentation for what
attributes can be used to locate what elements, I don't know if this is
correct or not.
If this is the intended behavior, what is the reason for the change? It
seems to me that this removes functionality without adding anything back in.
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before you ask, be nice.
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rajagopalan madasami
2017-11-21 16:47:00 UTC
Post by Titus Fortner
we're actually looking to relax the strict requirements in an upcoming
release, so this might not be an issue soon.
Post by Super Kevy
Check W3Shools https://www.w3schools.com/Tags/ref_standardattributes.asp
and https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_name.asp
That attribute is not a default as far as I understand.
Post by Cooper Legeza
I've been hitting exceptions when trying to use the :name attribute for
divs and spans. Since I can't seem to find any documentation for what
attributes can be used to locate what elements, I don't know if this is
correct or not.
If this is the intended behavior, what is the reason for the change? It
seems to me that this removes functionality without adding anything back in.
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before you ask, be nice.
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rajagopalan madasami
2017-11-21 16:48:50 UTC
Let me see! I have been seeing these kind of issues a lot, And I got of
bored of raising these of issues .
Post by Titus Fortner
we're actually looking to relax the strict requirements in an upcoming
release, so this might not be an issue soon.
Post by Super Kevy
Check W3Shools https://www.w3schools.com/Tags/ref_standardattributes.asp
and https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_name.asp
That attribute is not a default as far as I understand.
Post by Cooper Legeza
I've been hitting exceptions when trying to use the :name attribute for
divs and spans. Since I can't seem to find any documentation for what
attributes can be used to locate what elements, I don't know if this is
correct or not.
If this is the intended behavior, what is the reason for the change? It
seems to me that this removes functionality without adding anything back in.
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before you ask, be nice.
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Cooper Legeza
2017-11-21 21:02:07 UTC
See, that's interesting to me, because I had been using the :name attribute
for several months now to find these divs. I suppose it might be a Page
Object issue, although the exception was raised by Watir.
Post by Titus Fortner
we're actually looking to relax the strict requirements in an upcoming
release, so this might not be an issue soon.
Post by Super Kevy
Check W3Shools https://www.w3schools.com/Tags/ref_standardattributes.asp
and https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_name.asp
That attribute is not a default as far as I understand.
Post by Cooper Legeza
I've been hitting exceptions when trying to use the :name attribute for
divs and spans. Since I can't seem to find any documentation for what
attributes can be used to locate what elements, I don't know if this is
correct or not.
If this is the intended behavior, what is the reason for the change? It
seems to me that this removes functionality without adding anything back in.
Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search
before you ask, be nice.
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Titus Fortner
2017-11-21 22:08:16 UTC
Ah, yes, PO used to let you do that, then it delegated that responsibility
to Watir. I thought he tried to keep it, so it might be a PO bug.
That being said Watir 6.10 it shouldn't be an issue.
Post by Cooper Legeza
See, that's interesting to me, because I had been using the :name
attribute for several months now to find these divs. I suppose it might be
a Page Object issue, although the exception was raised by Watir.
Post by Titus Fortner
we're actually looking to relax the strict requirements in an upcoming
release, so this might not be an issue soon.
Post by Super Kevy
Check W3Shools
https://www.w3schools.com/Tags/ref_standardattributes.asp and
That attribute is not a default as far as I understand.
Post by Cooper Legeza
I've been hitting exceptions when trying to use the :name attribute for
divs and spans. Since I can't seem to find any documentation for what
attributes can be used to locate what elements, I don't know if this is
correct or not.
If this is the intended behavior, what is the reason for the change? It
seems to me that this removes functionality without adding anything back in.
Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search
before you ask, be nice.
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Groups "Watir General" group.
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Chuck van der Linden
2017-11-22 18:24:24 UTC
Post by Titus Fortner
we're actually looking to relax the strict requirements in an upcoming
release, so this might not be an issue soon.
Post by Super Kevy
Check W3Shools https://www.w3schools.com/Tags/ref_standardattributes.asp
and https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_name.asp
That attribute is not a default as far as I understand.
Part of me worries about supporting HTML that is not within what is
specified by the RFC's that define the HTML standards. It seems like a
'good thing' that we don't support (as an example) the name attribute on a
element where that attribute is not specified as an attribute of that tag

That said, we already see lots of technically invalid HTML, and the
browsers are all for the most part tolerant of that sort of thing. For
example I've lost count of the number of times I've seen duplicated ID
values within a page, which is technically invalid HTML, but yet you see
it. So given website devs are gonna do what website devs are gonna do, I
guess it's not incumbent on us to make life difficult for the people
testing those sites, by limiting our use of what attributes can be used to
identify given elements on a page.

Given I don't think any developer is going to modify their bad practices
just because we stick to the spec, then it's not really like we would be
actively 'encouraging' the use of technically invalid HTML. Further,
given even things like the google homepage yield a ton of validation errors
<https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F>, I'm
starting to think any attempt on our part to enforce strict adherence to
the HTML spec is just tilting at windmills.
Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before you ask, be nice.


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